SERIAL-CABLE-DESCRIPTION for Newton !!!!! - This is it ! From: (Jrg Syr) ************************************************ Port description Newton-serial ============================== 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 serial-Port RS-422 (direct look onto the port) Pin description === =========== 1 DTR (Data Terminal Ready) 2 DSR (Data Send Ready) 3 Transmit Data - (RS-232 & RS-422) 4 Signal Ground 5 Receive Data - (RS-232 & RS-422) 6 Transmit Data + (RS-422) 7 DCD (Data Carrier Detect) 8 Receive Data + (RS-422) ************************************************ Cable: Mini-DIN 8 to D-Sub 25 Female NULLMODEM ================================================== (needed for direct Newton to Computer connection. Package-downloader, Terminal-Programs, Programming NS-Basic etc.) RS-232 D-Sub-25 female Newton RS-422 Mini-DIN-8 description Pin Pin description =========== === === =========== DSR 6 ****** * DCD 8 *********** 1 DTR DTR 20 *********** 2 DSR Rx 3 *********** 3 Tx (-) Gnd 7 *********** 4 Gnd * ****** 8 Rx (+) Tx 2 *********** 5 Rx (-) RTS 4 ****** * CTS 5 *********** 7 DCD 6 n.c. ************************************************* Cable: Mini-DIN 8 to D-Sub 25 male MODEM-, PRINTER-cable ============================================================ (needed for connection to externel Modem, serial Printers or any other serial user with a D-Sub-25 female port) RS-232 D-Sub-25 male Newton RS-422 Mini-DIN-8 description Pin Pin description =========== === === =========== DTR 20 *********** 1 DTR DSR 6 *********** 2 DSR Tx 2 *********** 3 Tx (-) Gnd 7 *********** 4 Gnd * ****** 8 Rx (+) Rx 3 *********** 5 Rx (-) DCD 8 *********** 7 DCD 6 n.c. RTS 4 ****** * CTS 5 ****** ************************************************** BTW.: A happy new year to all Newton-Users ------------------------------------------------------------ Joerg Syre Rodheimer Strasse 27 D-35398 Giessen Germany Tel. +49 641 68287 Fax +49 641 68287 e-mail ------------------------------------------------------------